Minutes of Exec meetings 

AGM 2000

Exec 4th Mar

Exec 4th Feb

Exec 8th Dec

Exec Aug

Minutes for Viking Ventures AGM

on 8/5/2000



Election of offices

After 2 years as chairman of the unit a stepped down as chairman.

Proposals for a new chair were: b

Joint chair between c and d

After consideration it was decided that b should stay on as treasurer for another year as it was a complicated job which would be difficult to teach to someone else. After further discussion we decided that it would be in the best interest for the unit if the position of joint chair was clarified, so having a chair and vice chair.

After nominations and voting the position are as follows:


Review of the year - Positive points


Review of the year - negative points


Also discussed was the need for a training officer or activities officer. After discussion it was decided that these roles will be delegated though the exec, and that time should be spent training new members, who have not been through scouts previously basic skills such as knots and navigation. In future such skills training will be incorporated into the programme.


Treasurers Report

This year we raised £294 from 2 nights bag packing at ASDA. 6 new members have boosted income, and also mentioned was the new amount for subs which are now £16 a "term". We are also still trying to get some money from county after our unit paid for the coach to take people to county doo, as we made a loss.


Future plans

This summer 8 members of the unit are doing their Queen Scout Expedition in the Isle of Skye. Jennifer Rees, a member of the unit at university is going to Mexico this summer and 6 members of the unit are taking part in the 23rd Lancaster gang show this Wednesday at the Gregson Centre. County are organising an expedition to the Czech Republic in August 2001 to allow Ventures to gain their explorer belt. Several members of the unit are interested in this. Anna will keep us posted.

We also discussed the changes to scouts which should come into force within the next 2 years, including uniform changes and changes to the structure of scouts and group age ranges. Whilst this information has not yet been confirmed we expect the current plan is to have scouts up to 14, 14-18 and 18-25. The uniform will consist of blue combat trousers for boys and blue combat skirts for girls.



4th Mar 2000 Unit Exec

we held a brief exec at ASDA after bag packing

Once a month Day Thingy

Need action - we said we would do it

Also do a few on Saturdays to allow different people to come

Venture Awards + Presentations

Neil Finished Russ Finished = present + Jenny Invest date tba


Gang Show Date now known as _ Ask 23rd Bods


Finances - accounts due to jim /

Current balance looking healthy following Fund raising

Look to buy tent in next 2 months

Skye CAMP - Following the response from the Unit we will be having a rethink

Accommodation, time of expedition


Programme to be reorganised for May/June onwards to get better things in

Need AGM at some point!

4th Feb 2000 Unit Exec


Getting Organised - 2 more went - any more to send / go to - was it worth it? Definitely

Try to send 2 ventures every time

Once a month Day Hike

Agreed, though not just walking - climbing, canoeing etc Need to sort dates now sorted

Venture Awards + Presentations Neil Finished,


Training nights for Scouts

16th Mcbe, 16th L/c, 23rd, 13th.

Not Yet set up but agreed to do


Silverhelme day stuff or overnighters


Other Camps - Easter/Water Activities

Agreed to do

Letting Unit know what is going on

Letter to be written to all, letting them know all stuff going on

Still Needs Action

Log Book with ME - needs updating


Neil to get to one page


Gang Show Date _ Ask 23rd Bods

BANNER to Finish - Can we get parents To do it?

County/Dist info

Talk re International Night information given and available on file

Monday night confirm Tritons? Yes

Lakelander 8th-9th April FORMS ANNA!

District Quiz Night????


Skye CAMP - SCOUTING EVENT - Uniform + T shirts Compulsory?

Find Out kit in hut - cutlery etc

Unit Exec 8th Dec 1999

Lakelander 8th-9th April try for two teams . training to be sorted

Getting Organised - do we have Anna and Russ going? Yes

Xmas Camp - 28-30 December

Once a month Day Hike Agreed, though not just walking - climbing etc

Training Q Scouts = how is it going?

Looked at Jonathons DoE Silver - Found not totally compatable with VSA, Get back to him with further stuff needed.

Navigation with Newy

Venture Awards + Presentations Anna Presented, Neil Finished, others to do

T shirts Chris going back to printers re print quality

Need to sell remainder - Unit Cash

Anyone to invest? And where

Jenny, Leanne. Done 6 Events?

Sam + Clare Left

2 new Ventures

Training nights for Scouts

16th Mcbe, 16th L/c, 23rd, 13th.

Xmas Party = Numbers/deposits needed = not just 5 - 6 TBA

Red rose 2000 Staff opportunities

Service Silverhelme day stuff or overnighters

Scotland weekends Dates given out 28-30 Jan, 11-13 Feb, 10-12 Mar

Fundraising We need it currently £100

Introduction for new members -

Exec to talk to Tony and see what he does

Agreed to be on second week, by one member probably friend.

Scout Review - January 6th Transport TBA

Log Book with Jonathon - needs updating

Constitution Reviewed at length, Neil to try to get to one page

Xmas meal Discussed - now to meet at Fountain 7:30

Viking Ventures Unit Exec

Minutes of meeting Friday 13th August Adams house

Present Adam, Russ, Peter

Apologies Chris (Neil) - after phoning to see where he was

Programme we ran through the Programme and made some amendments. New Programme to be handed out Monday 16th Aug. Notes:- Pete to give Adam the number for Pat Nelson (First Response)824350. Mersey Moot Needs Organising IMMEDIATELY Adam to Phone Organisers and plead . Russ to try to organise an indoor canoeing night at Salt Aire, may not be a normal night, may not be normal hours!!

County/district info - Only 3 ventures turned up at last Dist meet - all 3 from Vikings…

, Environment weekend pressing in next few months. Also Getting organised course - Exec only to go. District Sweatshirts need designer - if you have any bright Ideas, Dave Bellis also organising a Sailing trip to Killington on 5th September

Petes bit not a lot this time, just about commitment, and to see what we could learn from County Camp funding… also the Execs role in the Unit

Awards progress Anna has indicated that she wanted to get her queen Scout Hike done in October, and explorer Belt - Exec finishing off Venture Award, all should have them in the next 3 months… -

Finances currently about £100, Russ said £140 due in from t shirts, and that money should be paid asap Peter asked if 240 was enough to cover any future expenses that may be needed. Agreed we needed some form of fund raising, but would consult with Unit on actual format.

Recruitment We have had a steady stream of one new venture per month for the mast 3 months. Although Adam will be the only one leaving for Uni next Summer, Peter felt we need to keep looking to gain more members, as the following year at least 7 ventures would disappear. 3 more names were mentioned as probables.

Russ suggested running an evening for older Scouts at 16th Morecambe, this will be expanded to all the Units potentially and actually feeding the Unit (ie all Lancaster Units south of the Lune)

Peter suggested putting on a mini Dragnet, which was agreed by the exec. Dates tba but more than likely over a Friday night/Saturday Morning, for older scouts and Venture Units in the District. At least 4 months away (ie November/December time). If you want to be on the organising committee talk to Peter. It would be run by the Unit (not District)

AOB Camps -

Xmas - agreed to put on a camp - probably at Brotherswater again (unless someone has any bright ideas) - walking, climbing and snowy stuff al within 40 miles of Lancaster Peter to Discuss with Newy

2000 - the exec came up with several suggestions - Gilwell Park, The Alps, Arran or Skye. This will be discussed with the unit on the 5th September. If going abroad we would have to go for 2 weeks, plus find ourselves a suitably qualified leader (or Jeka?) The trip would have a general appeal - not just specialists

T shirts - we do have some, please get them organised -

Log Book - found at Adams house - he will write up the Alps, County camp, Adam Wood to write up the Canoeing trip…

Unit directory - will be published…

Liz McDermott is the new District Commissioner (Auntie Liz to most of the Morecambe lot.)


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