Uniform /Programme review

Well it is all decided - the age ranges will be changing, the Uniforms will be changing - Ventures will be deceased In January 2003. Explorer Scouts and Scout Network will takes its place -

Here we have the latest from national HQ. The First letter was issued on 15th May, the second a month earlier.

Basically what is says is

1 the age ranges will be changing- The ages we are concerned about is now 14-18 and 18-25

2. These ages are not fixed in stone - there is some overlap allowed

3. The changes will take place between 2001 and 2003

4. Scoutcraft and camping will remain central to the new programme

5. The Queen Scout award will remain as the pinnacle, with DoE having strong links

Dear Colleagues,

Uniform Consultation: and Programme Review

This letter is to bring you fully up-to-date on the arrangements for consultation about our proposed new uniform, and to give you early information on major decisions about our new programme.

At its meeting last weekend (6/7 May) the Committee of the Council gave further consideration to the arrangements for the Movement-wide consultation about uniform. The Committee confirmed the timetable. The consultation will start following the Committee's June meeting, and will run for the period July to November as already notified to County and Area Commissioners. The consultation will be supported by the distribution of a questionnaire to the Talking Points distribution list of some 34,000 recipients; inserting the questionnaire in SCOUTING Magazine; and making it available on ScoutBaseUK, in Scout Shops branches, and upon request from the Information Centre. It is not too soon to put in place local arrangements for appropriate discussions in Counties/Areas, Districts and Groups.

The Committee spent most of its time considering the final report of the Programme Review Group, which is based on the receipt of over 17,000 responses to its questionnaire, and on further work with focus groups. On the basis of the recommendations in the report the Committee agreed:

* that Scouting for young people should in future be provided in five age ranges, or Sections, with core ages 6 - 8; 8 - 101/2; 101/2 - 14; 14 - 18; and 18 - 25, with considerable flexibility in transfer ages especially between the third and fourth sections;

* to an outline programme plan for all five Sections, culminating, as now, in a (revised) Queen's Scout Award;

* to the centrality of Scoutcraft and camping throughout the revised programme, with strong cross linking with the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme in the relevant age ranges;

* to reaffirm the importance of peer leadership, as given, for example, by Sixers and Patrol Leaders;

* to the retention of the Group structure as the local basis for providing Scouting for young people, particularly in the first three Sections; and

* to a widening of leadership opportunities for both young people and adults.

Within this 'headline' framework there is a considerable amount of further detailed work to be undertaken, especially where the Committee modified the recommendations of the Review Group. Some of the further detail will, it is hoped, be reported to the Committee at its meeting in June; and it is planned to make a substantial presentation to the Council in Conference in September. That presentation will begin the full roll-out to the Movement of the new programme, which will continue through the planned regional meetings, dates for which have already been notified to all Counties and Areas. The new programme will be a vital ingredient in the future development plans for Scouting at all levels.

The Committee is determined not to introduce the new programme at an operational level until the necessary support materials and framework are sufficiently in place. Accordingly, the Committee has asked me to emphasise that the implementation of the new programme is not a race! A planned and phased implementation will take place over the period 2001 to 2003, and key 'milestone' dates will be shared with the Council in September.

Yours sincerely,

John Bevan
Chairman, Committee of the Council


earlier letter on Uniform

The ongoing Uniform debate seems to have taken a new turn. In the early 1990 the West Lancashire Venture Scout Council made a request to reviemwthe Uniform. This went all the way through all the channels to the committee that actually dealt with it before getting rejected.

Have a read of the following then make a comment!!

The following is the text of a letter which has been sent to all County/Area Commissioners from the Chief Executive. It sets out the timetable for next stages in consulting the Movement on possible changes to uniform.

To: County/Area Commissioners


At its meeting on 29 March, the Executive Committee reviewed the progress to-date on the uniform consultation. First, there had been some valuable background views expressed through the early consultations by MORI in connection with the Programme Review. Then the initial focus groups had given food for thought, with helpful responses to some first rough sketches coming from young people and from some Leaders. More recently, supply and production issues had been added into the considerations, alongside the views on design.

The Executive Committee looked at the timetable for the proposed wider consultation, for making decisions, and for making supplies of the eventual new uniform available. It was agreed that this timetable should be shared widely with County/Area Commissioners, and should be published on ScoutBase.

May 2000 - Committee of the Council agrees the detailed principles for consultation

June 2000 - Committee of the Council agrees consultation material

July-November 2000- Movement-wide consultation (meetings, magazine, ScoutBaseUK, mailings, etc)

September 2000 - Interim progress report and presentation to the Association's AGM

December 2000 - Committee of the Council receives the results of the consultation and makes decisions; initial production commences

February 2001 - Publicity launch of new uniform items (first showing of range)

By summer 2001 - New uniform available from Scout Shops Ltd and from licensed suppliers (exact date t.b.a.).

It is hoped that by starting the wide consultation in early July, advantage can be taken to obtain the views of our young people who will be attending major events during the summer. This can supplement the local discussions and feedback from Groups and Districts which will take place during the autumn. This also should give time for those local discussions to be prepared and planned for.

Throughout the consultation period, stocks of current uniform items will be closely monitored at Scout Shops Ltd and County/Area and District shops are advised to do likewise. It is recognised that difficult service and commercial decisions will need to be made in order to maintain the supply of the present uniform for as long as possible whilst minimising the write-off of surplus old stock when the new uniform becomes available.

Sensible advice also needs to be given to members (young people and adults) who join the Movement as the date of the introduction of the new uniform approaches. No decisions about the new uniform have yet been made, and that includes there being no decision about the period of overlap when the new uniform and the present uniform may be worn. However, even at this early stage it is hoped that this clarification of the process and timetable will be helpful, and will assist local planning. The text of this letter is also being placed on ScoutBaseUK, and feel free to share the information more widely.

Derek Twine
