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May 4th - we have our now programme sorted, even more adventurous than normal as the hills start to open again. And what about all the quality events we couldn't quite fit in. QS hike still to organise.... plus other camps as and when we can get out there. Wow Watch this space

May 1st we plan to send Ventures out with a bang. We pledge our unit will have more quality events, more people, more awards and MORE FUN this year than ever before.

March/April 2001 - had to change over servers, and redo all the links - so back to the old format - Drew "forgot" to save the newer format...

Oct 6th I have managed to nick the Skye expedition log book…. Expect the quotes page to get rather large shortly, anything I can quote normally will be in the skye pages….

Oct 1st Race Night IS now cancelled……13th October

Sept 19th New County/District Exec minutes. For details on Environment Weekend, Getting Organised, Crew Challenge Email US

Sept 14th New County Dates for next summer(2001):- the Mountaineering will now be 21st July to 4th August, with the Explorer belt 4th Aug to 21st Aug

Unit Programme now updated

Aug 26th we are back!! Full reports to come -starting with the leaders view here but I have put ALL the photos on this page this is completely Unedited and will take ages to load. it was dry and warm, with midges that loved english meat!!

July 26th TOP NIGHT ON Monday (Dragnet), only seven, but that allowed teams of 2 or 3, so made it impossible to catch, unless you walked along roads (Russ), Good to see almost everyone's navigation up to scratch for Skye - under a month to go!!

July 23rd hmm, the slacking VSL has finally got a job…. So, time for a commercial, for all your Windsurfing, Kite Boarding and Canoeing needs give us a visit, (Caton Road - 0.8 miles from Lancaster north junction), so no excuse for not calling in and annoying me !! or see the website !!

ADVERT - we a holding a Horse Racing night on 13th October - see here soon for more information!! (ie as soon as the Venture Organising it gets me some info!!)

Scouts need US! The Uniform review has moved on. See here for the latest

July 11th We had a Unit Exec Tonight - full notes to follow but the jist is:-

Activity Days - will move to 1st Sunday in Month from September - starting with BBQ on beach 3rd Sept Silverdale.

Sept 18th Indoor Climbing @ Kendal (need organising SPSA, use of wall)

July 10th Chris's photos of county camp here

July 5th Skye Pages now updated with info and permission to camp form etc

July 3rd well County camp is now done and dusted. Someone will be writing a page soon In the aftermath here is a summary:- Injuries: 1 (but ok )

Illness: 1 (Puked up all the time on Sunday - not in the van though)

Totally soaked: 11 (a full house/van !!)

Inter Unit Relationships Forged: 2

Inter Unit Near Misses: 1

Upside down when abseiling: 1

Failed to show: 1 (missed out there Drew!)

June 13th Pete has now passed the MIDAS test (Minibus access to Lancashire County Council Youth Buses), now trying to book a bus for Skye ! If you can think of days/evenings/weekends when we need to have a bus, let him know…

May 31st Forms have arrived today for the Mersey Moot Camp. For more info, or if any Units want an Application form then email us on [email protected]

May 31st We have a new Tent!! it was on special offer. A bit less high tech than the Super Nova, but at half the cost!! See the tent out on camp somewhere. (if anyone wants to sponsor more gear {Terra Nova} we will gladly plug your products!)

SO no more arguing over who gets the best tent? (not)

May 16th Opportunities 2001 page -for international expeditions - already there are 3 !

May 12th we have a new Email address!! [email protected]

Also the date of the trip to the Alps in 2001. Put it in your diaries:-July 28th to August 12th *finishing just before the Explorer belt expedition

May 9th Minutes of our AGM a new exec in place etc

Skye pages updated after meeting

May 8th some incriminating photos

17TH April Program now updated, new page on possible programme ideas inserted

3rd April We have so far raised £290 from bag packing at ASDA - well done -




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